Welcome to the Quantum Health Prostate Information Page.


We’ve been helping men with preventative healthcare treatment for close to three decades and look forward to empowering you too with the education and natural supplements needed to maintain your prostate's health

On this page you will find useful information about the prostate and the importance of it's role in the bathroom and the bedroom as well as its connection to your energy levels, libido and sexual performance.

The prostate is a crucial gland within the male endocrine and reproductive system. As men age the prostate grows and in many men this growth becomes problematic. Unfortunately men suffering from an enlarged prostate are often embarrassed to talk about the urinary issues, chronic pain, incontinence and impotence that are associated with the condition and do not get the help they need.

Fortunately there are ways in which you can treat or prevent symptoms by directly nourishing the prostate. Quantum Health’s proprietary herbal based high strength formulation has been supporting men to overcome embarrassing urinary issues and restoring libido for almost 30 years.

If you want to prevent urinary issues, maintain sexual performance, preserve libido and discover how to protect and sustain a healthy prostate there are three critical steps to take.

Step 1 - Assess Current Symptoms 

We naturally try and avoid thinking about ill-health and often ignore symptoms but early detection and intervention is critical to taking corrective action. From almost 30 years of research and experience we've made it easy for you by preparing this quick and simple questionnaire. 

By spending just 5 minutes going through this 14 point checklist you can equip yourself with the knowledge of how to identify the current status of your own prostate health as well as the health of your friends and family.

Take this simple Questionnaire to discover the current health of your prostate.

Step 2 - Discover How The Prostate Works

Knowing the function and features of the prostate will help you ensure its long term health. Sadly many of our modern habits, lifestyle choices and environmental toxins are damaging this delicate yet critical gland. This guide contains the important facts and descriptive diagrams to educate you on the knowledge you need to know about this important part of your body and how it ages. Take charge by discovering how you can take care of your prostate health today.

Read our informative user manual styled Quick Start Guide to the prostate.

Step 3 - Nourish The Prostate

Diets lacking in critical micronutrients make it hard for the body to heal and repair itself. When you optimise your nutrition, with herbs and minerals clinically proven to support the prostate, you give the prostate a new lease on life.

Prosamin significantly reduces the discomfort of an unhealthy prostate. In many cases it totally eliminates urinary symptoms including: frequent and sudden urges to urinate, difficulty when urinating and incontinence. It also includes the same DHT blocking ingredients used to prevent male pattern baldness. Decreased sexual function, virility and stamina can also be dramatically improved with continued use of this potent botanical and mineral formulation.

Prosamin™ for men is registered with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), Licence No. 281008.


Worried about your prostate?

Take this 5-minute questionnaire to find out the status of your prostate health and what you can do to help.

Take the prostate health assessment
Prostate Hleath Assessment